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Poggy Frog and the Cows

One day, a big cow came to the pond.

Poggy Frog jumped up down. "Go away! Go away!" he shouted.

But the cow did not go away. It drank and drank.

The next day, Poggy Frog called a meeting.
"This is our pond," he said. "Cows must not come here!"

"How will we stop them?" asked Lizzy Lizard.

"We will shoo them away," said Poggy Frog.
Then Poggy frog said, "I will be your leader and this will be our song.
The grass is green.
The sky is blue.
Goodbye, cow.
Shoo, shoo, shoo!"

"That's a wonderful song!" said Poggy Frog's friends.

Every day, Poggy Frog and his friends sang their song.

"The grass is green.
The sky is blue.
Goodbye, cow.
Shoo, shoo, shoo!"

One day, the ground started shaking.
Three big cows had come to the pond.

"Shoo!" shouted Poggy Frog.
"Shoo!" shouted his friends.
But the cows did not go away.

"What will we do now?" asked Teetee Turtle.

"Skedaddle!" shouted Poggy Frog.
They all skedaddled, and the cows drank and drank.

That evening, Poggy Frog called a meeting.
"Those cows were very thirsty," he said.

Then he sang a new song.
"We have water. Fair is fair.
We will share.
Yes, we will share."

They all agreed that this was the best song of all.

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