Hatty Rat had red goggles.
"Let’s see what’s under the sea!"
Hatty Rat said to Tatty Rat.
"Let’s have an adventure!"
Hatty and Tatty jumped off the boat.

What did they see in the deep blue sea?
They saw a sea horse, some Mussels and a sea urchin.
What else did they see in the deep blue sea?
They saw a lot of little fish . . .
and they saw a big orange crab!
Tatty looked at Hatty. Hatty looked at Tatty.
They wanted that crab for crab pancakes.
Down, down, down went Tatty Rat.
Down,down,down went Hatty Rat.
But Tatty Rat and Hatty Rat Did not grab that crab.
The crab grabbed Tatty Rat!
Up, up, up went Tatty and crab.
Up, up, up went Hatty after them.
"Ouch!" cried Tatty Rat.
"The crab is hurting my tail!"

Down, down, down it went,down in the deep blue sea.
Tatty Rat and Hatty Rat had cheese pancakes for dinner.
"What a big adventure we had!" they said.
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