Sudeepti demonstrating how to build a car that uses the power of air pressure to roll across a room.
Materials Required:
- Cardboard
- Three Straws
- Two Sticks
- Four bottle caps
- Balloon
- Tape
- Scissors
- Hammer
- Nail
How to Build:
- First take a straw and cut it to the width of the cardboard.
- Take another straw and cut it to the same size.
- Attach the two cut straws to one side of the cardboard with the help of tape.
- Now take the third straw and cut it to the length of the card board
- Put one end of the the third straw in to the balloon and wrap the tap around it. So that the straw is fixed to it.
- Attach the balloon to the other side of the cardboard. make sure some part of the straw is outside the cardboard.
- Take the four bottle caps and make small holes at the center using a nail and hammer.
- Take one stick and poke it in to one cap. Then let the stick go through one straw and then poke the stick in to another cap.
- Similarly do with the other stick.
Your balloon powered car is ready. When you blow air into the balloon and leave the car then the car moves.
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